家計簿アプリ Dr.Wallet

by BearTail X Inc.



A simple household account book that can be used for free ♪ You can use it easily with easy registration! It is a household account book application that can read receipts quickly.


家計簿・収支管理できる無料アプリ『Dr.Wallet』家計簿アプリで唯一、レシートをオペレーターがデータ入力!だからお金・収支管理が正確!■こんな方におすすめの家計簿・収支管理アプリです!・データ入力が不要な家計簿をつけてみたい・無料で始められて、収支を一括管理できるアプリを探している・家計簿でレシートや収支のデータを管理したい・データ入力不要で収支を自動で集計してくれる家計簿アプリを使いたい・家計簿アプリは使ったけど、家計簿にする際に入力ミスが多くて続かなかった・データ入力不要で収支の一覧が確認出来る家計簿アプリがほしい・読み取ったデータをカテゴリー毎の収支に分類して家計簿に記録したい・自動のレシートデータ読み取り機能で正確な収支を家計簿につけたい・家計簿アプリでデータを管理して、お金を貯めたい・無料で始められる人気の家計簿アプリ・収支管理アプリを使いたい・レシートを家計簿にデータ入力する時間を減らし効率的に収支を管理したい・収支の計算、データの管理が簡単な家計簿アプリを使いたい・データ入力不要の家計簿アプリで収支管理をしたい・レシートを使って収支が記録できる家計簿アプリを探している・毎日忙しいから、家計簿を付けるなら、データ入力不要な家計簿アプリが良い・新生活を始めたから、無料で使える家計簿アプリで収支をつけたい・溜まっていくレシートを一括入力出来る家計簿アプリで収支管理をしたい・家計簿アプリで読み取ったデータをグラフで振り返りたい・節約につながる家計簿アプリを使いたい・人気のアプリで家計簿/財布/収支の管理を続けたい・家計簿で収支や支出のデータを記録する習慣を身に着けたい・家計簿アプリは、無料でカスタマイズできるのがいい・増えていくレシートのデータを自動で入力してくれる家計簿アプリで管理したい・購入した物のレシートや収支を家計簿で管理したい・結婚を機におこづかい制になったので家計簿をつけたい・無料の家計簿でも、データや収支機能はちゃんとしてほしい■あなたの代わりにオペレーターが家計簿入力、収支データの分類まで!家計簿Dr.Walletはレシートの画像データを送るだけで、オペレーターが[日付][店舗][金額][分類]を家計簿に入力します。あなたは買い物するたびにレシートを撮影しておけばOK。まとめてレシート画像を送ったら、あとはDr.Walletが家計簿入力をしておきます!最短数分の早さで家計簿にデータ化されちゃいます。送られたレシートは、あなたのプライバシーがわからない状態でオペレーターが目で見て、家計簿に手入力でデータ化して分類します。人力入力だから、家計簿が正確に!手書きの領収書やネット購入(Amazonや楽天など)、宅配(生協など)の注文書の画像でも家計簿に自動入力!■クレジットカード/電子マネー/EC/ポイントの履歴も自動で家計簿に!クレジットカード、電子マネーやECサイト等のアカウント情報を登録しておけば、利用履歴を定期的に自動で取得して家計簿に入力します。また、Suica、PASMO、ICOCA、PiTaPaなどの交通系ICカードをスマホにかざせば、瞬時に残高チェックやICカード履歴を一括入力で家計簿に記録ができちゃいます!現金で支払ったレシートは撮影して家計簿に代行入力、カード等は履歴の自動取得と、家計簿をつける手間とストレスから徹底的にあなたを開放して、すきま時間をつくりだします。■家計簿分析も簡単でわかりやすい。家計簿をグラフで見える化して節約!Dr.Wallet(ドクターウォレット)の名前の由来は「あなたのおかねのお医者さん」。あなたの家計簿を、きれいなグラフで見える化して、診断。今の調子や改善ポイントを一目でわかりやすく教えてくれます。家計簿を簡単につけられたなら、収支データの振り返りも簡単に!Free application "Dr.Wallet" that can manage household account book and income and expenditureThe only household account book app that allows the operator to enter data on receipts! Therefore, money and income and expenditure management is accurate!■ It is a housekeeping book / income and expenditure management application recommended for such people!・ I want to keep a household account book that does not require data entry・ Im looking for an app that can be started for free and can manage the balance of payments collectively.・ I want to manage receipt and income and expenditure data in the household account book・ I want to use a household account book application that automatically totals the income and expenditure without data entry.・ I used the housekeeping book app, but I made a lot of typos when making it into the housekeeping book, so I couldnt continue.・ I want a household account book application that allows you to check the list of income and expenditures without entering data.・ I want to classify the read data into income and expenditure for each category and record it in the household account book.・ I want to keep an accurate income and expenditure in the household account book with the automatic receipt data reading function.・ I want to save money by managing data with the household account book application・ I want to use a popular household account book application / balance management application that can be started for free・ I want to reduce the time to enter data in the household account book and manage the income and expenditure efficiently.・ I want to use a household account book application that makes it easy to calculate income and expenditure and manage data.・ I want to manage my income and expenditure with a household account book application that does not require data entry.・ Im looking for a household account book application that can record income and expenditure using receipts.・ Because I am busy every day, if you want to keep a household account book, a household account book application that does not require data entry is good.・ Since I started a new life, I want to make a profit with a housekeeping book application that can be used for free.・ I want to manage my income and expenditure with a household account book application that allows me to enter the accumulated receipts all at once.・ I want to look back on the data read by the housekeeping book application in a graph・ I want to use a household account book application that leads to savings・ I want to continue managing my household account book / wallet / income and expenditure with a popular app・ I want to get into the habit of recording income and expenditure data in the household account book.・ It is good that the housekeeping book application can be customized for free.・ I want to manage with a household account book application that automatically inputs the data of increasing receipts・ I want to manage the receipts and income and expenditure of purchased items in the household account book.・ I want to keep a household account book because I got married.・ I want you to have proper data and income and expenditure functions even with a free household account book.■ The operator can enter the household account book and classify the income and expenditure data on your behalf!Housekeeping book Dr.Wallet simply sends the image data of the receipt, and the operator enters [date] [store] [amount] [classification] in the housekeeping book. All you have to do is take a photo of your receipt every time you shop. After sending the receipt images in bulk, Dr. Wallet will enter the household account book! It will be converted into data in the household account book in the shortest number of minutes.The received receipt will be visually categorized by the operator without knowing your privacy, and will be manually converted into data in the household account book and classified. The household account book is accurate because it is input manually!Automatically enter handwritten receipts, online purchases (Amazon, Rakuten, etc.), and home delivery (Co-op, etc.) order forms in the household account book!■ Credit card / electronic money / EC / point history is automatically added to the household account book!If you register account information such as credit card, electronic money and EC site, usage history will be automatically acquired regularly and entered in the household account book.Also, if you hold a transportation IC card such as Suica, PASMO, ICOCA, PiTaPa over your smartphone, you can instantly check the balance and record the IC card history in the household account book by batch input!Receipts paid in cash will be photographed and entered into the household account book on your behalf, cards, etc. will be automatically acquired, and you will be thoroughly freed from the hassle and stress of keeping a household account book to create a gap time.■ Housekeeping book analysis is easy and easy to understand. Save money by visualizing the household account book in a graph!The origin of the name of Dr. Wallet is "your doctor".Visualize your household account book with a beautiful graph and make a diagnosis. It will tell you the current condition and points for improvement at a glance.If you can easily keep a household account book, you can easily look back on your income and expenditure data!ネット注文の支出入力機能を追加